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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 06/07/2010
Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
June 7, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm by Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Gordon Webber at the Antrim Town Hall.

Members Present:        Gordon Webber, Michael Genest and Eric Tenney
Staff Present:  Galen Stearns (Town Administrator)

1.      The board reviewed the Selectmen’s minutes for May 24, 2010, Mr. Genest motioned to accept the minutes as written, Mr. Tenney seconded the motion.  Passed 3/0.
2.      Mr. Genest reported on the SAC meeting and stated that their main focus of discussions will be small schools and an SRO.
3.      Mr. Webber stated that the Planning Board had conducted site walks of developments that have been started/approved but have had no current activity.
4.      Mr. Tenney informed the board that a group of residents were looking at restoring the civil war monument.
5.      Mr. Stearns gave an update on the status of the forensic audit and the lack of response from Graham & Graham.  The board requested that the next letter to them be sent registered.  Mr. Stearns will follow up.
6.      Marion Noble purchased the property at 12 North Main Street for $110,000 on May 21, 2010 and told the board that the house has burst pipes from the water freezing in them while the house was vacant.  Ms. Noble stated that she will have to perform extensive work to repair the damage that the burst pipes caused.  The board felt that this was a known condition and part of the reason that the property was sold far below the assessed valuation.  When asked by the board what Ms. Noble thought the assessment should be Ms. Noble did not have a figure.  The board asked Mr. Stearns to research what the board can and can not do as relief to the taxpayer.
7.      Ms. Francie VonMerton (stated she was not representing the Audubon Society) showed the board pictures of the damage to the private road #64 used as a right of way for logging of a land locked property surrounded by Audubon property.  Ms. VonMerton stated that she has obtained a quotation to repair the damage of around $7,000 and said that the Audubon Society does not have the funds to pay for this and requested that the Town use it’s equipment to repair the damage.  The board stated that the Town can not perform work on private property.  Mr. Beblowski from the Conservation Commission asked that the Board of Selectmen be more aware of potential damage when approving intent to cuts especially for properties which are land locked to insure that any potential damage is minimized and/or mitigated.
8.      The Police Chief presented back-up data on departmental overtime as requested at the last meeting.  He explained that for the six week period that an officer will be out, that most shifts will be covered by the chief and the other officers and that there will only be six shifts left to fill.
9.      Mr. Stearns presented an estimated that the Parks & Recreation committee has submitted for mosquito and tick spraying for Great Brook School and Memorial Park for $4,140.00.  This had not been budgeted for but the Parks and Recreation Commission felt that this was a program that the Town should fund and that this was an organic material which was environmentally friendly.  The board questioned what the material to be used was made of and when would the three applications be made.  The board felt they needed more information and Mr. Tenney will follow up at the next commission meeting.
10.     Mr. Stearns presented the new health insurance rates and the board discussed the impact to the town’s budget on the 12.2% increase.  After some discussion, Mr. Webber motioned to increase the employee’s contribution rate from 15% to 17.5%, Mr. Genest seconded the motion.  Passed 3/0
11.     Mr. Cahoon inquired about the status of abatement requests and asked if they would be completed in time for the July 1 date.  Mr. Stearns stated that all the requests had been forwarded to the assessing firm for review and recommendations and would follow up with them.

There being no further business, the Mr. Tenney motioned to adjourn, Mr. Webber seconded, passed 3/0 at 6:53 pm